
So hi thur, what's been happening with me? Well.
My week off of work was busy and as usual it FLEW by. But that's OK, because in a week, I'll have another week off because I'm special in my own special way.
I spent tons of time at the gym, working out and playing volleyball with some peeps I sorta kinda know. It's like that at my gym. Small town = kinda sorta knowing every single person you see there. Some days it's cool, when I feel like talking to people and other days it's not cool because I'm anti-social and shy and sometimes get extremely anxious having to make small talk with sort-of-strangers.
Anyway. Volleyball is so much fun! I'm addicted. Again. I go through phases. Next it will be roller skating. (I hope) (Skating, not blading)
I also bought a new car a couple days ago. I've been leasing for like 6 yrs now, finally bought one. I got a deal. Thanks to my dad for going with me and being completely hilarious and making the salesmen feel awkward.
I spent some time at my bestest friend's house. Highlights include getting my ass kicked playing the Wii with her 4 year old son and...

This is Polly.

This is Polly (left) and her brother.
They were in a litter of nine, and rescued after a drug bust. The police found them outside almost freezing to death, and a rescue organization took them and the mommy in. My friend adopted Polly, and my friend's friend adopted her brother, Vader.
She is the cuddliest thing I've ever encountered and I can't even describe how a puppy can make a person like me melt into a pile of goo. She's crazy smart too, learned to sit within a minute, learned to shake within 2 minutes. Such a sweety.
Should I get a puppy?
So tempting, but I know that older dogs have a much harder time getting adopted. Plus, a puppy is sorta like having a baby, and we all know that's the last thing I need.
Hmm what else. I saw Gran Torino. Overall, this movie was excellent, Clint is and always will be a badass motherfucker, and it made me cry (like most good movies do). Some of the acting by the lesser known actors was a little off for me, but I still give this an 8.5 out of 10.
I cleaned out the closet in my old house (where my brother and his girlfriend will be living) and found some treasures. Including but not limited to:
a pair of brand new black pants (for work) that I purchased and forgot about like 5 years ago.
A hat I wore constantly at age 16.
All my concert ticket stubs (well, probably 75% of them) in a small box which also had a picture of a naked man holding a gun. I have no idea who that naked man is. Did you know I attended a Bush/No Doubt concert in '96 for $17.50? What a deal. And you know that's when Gavin and Gwen were first hooking up on the tour bus right??? I also attended a Tool concert in '97 for $18.50! What the hell has happened to ticket prices, geez.
I also found my journal from high school. Fucking hilarious. I'll transcribe some here maybe, but probably not because I'm lazy and no one reads this anyway. But maybe. I was a naughty, naughty teenager.
OK, well I'm sure I did other stuff, but a girl's gotta have some secrets.
Secrets Out.
Did you like that?
Me neither.


Blank said...

Where's the pictures of the new car?

liz said...

AWWWWW! Puppies!!!

bri said...

i read this and TOOL?!?! for less than a Jefferson? i could weep. i could just WEEP.