
Questions on my mind...

Everyone talks about how loving someone and being in love with someone is 2 completely different things. My ex said he loved me more than anyone, but he wasn't (isn't) in love with me.
I can't relate to that statement.
Sure, there are different forms of love. That's just a fact. I love my family in a different way than I love my friends. Friends are different than boyfriends. Boyfriends are different than my cats. Etc Etc Etc
But tell me this. Tell me how a man can spend 4 years with me, can tell me I'm his best friend; can tell me he trusts me more than anyone, can depend on me more than anyone; tell me the attraction is magnetic; tell me I can make him laugh like no one else; tell me no one will ever be better than me in bed; tell me I know him better than anyone else in the world...?
And not want to be with me.
He's just not in love with me.
Excuse me, but isn't that exactly what being in love is? The very definition of it?
Being with your best friend? With all the bonus benefits?
Isn't that all you can really hope for in this life?

Sometimes, I take a look in the mirror, I take a look at my life, and all I can think is
"I'm so fucked."
How do you move on when you don't really want to?


Nietzsche's Girl said...

Umm, that means: "I don't want to hurt your feelings, and I care about your feelings, but I'm not into you. I'm not attracted to you. I'm not in love with you. I don't want to date you."

Basically it's a cowards way of saying "no."

Move on.

liz said...

Time is the greatest healer.