~Had the 4th off for the first time in SIX YEARS, and I wasn't even that into fireworks or anything. In the past, when I was stuck at work, I would yearn for the fireworks and watch the tippy tops of them over the tree line. Anyway, we had a small little fire in the backyard afterwards and I played with sparklers.
~Started taking these pills. I'm not all into diet pills or appetite suppressants because normally they make me jittery/sick/overly hyper/crazy. But these don't do that, and they really do make me not want to eat. The only catch is, if you don't eat anything at all, you will get an upset stomach. So, I force myself to eat something small and healthy 6 times a day. So, yeah. They work!
~Did something completely out of character involving leaving a love not on a stranger's windshield with my name and phone number, and now I'm waiting patiently for it to show up on the internet somewhere. Said person never called (at least I don't think. I had a couple missed calls from numbers I didn't recognize, but no voicemails, so who knows)
~Spending lots of time in the sun. I'm going to be a bag of wrinkles in 10 years, but fuck it, I look good now!
~Bought the following pairs of shoes at Target. Everyone that has seen them hates 2 out of the 3 pairs, I'll let you guess which ones they hate. Which makes me love them even more, I'm a rebel like that.

~Also got these shorts, which I vowed to only where with some brown sandal heels I have. Now that I'm (almost) 27, I feel like shorter shorts make me look like I want to be 18 again, but somehow wearing them with heels and a non-slutty shirt makes it all OK and sophisticated-ish. I don't even care that I'm 5'11" with heels anymore.

~Got a plain black knee length skirt for $10, which I'll wear to work. I worry that someone will freak over my tattoo, but whatever, they can kiss my ass. Everyone has tattoos, come on!
~Also went shopping at the Gap Outlet, and even though I'm not a fan of the Gap normally, I really really needed summer stuff, mostly shorts/capris/skirts, and I found a few things that didn't give me Mom-butt (sorry all you moms) Gap is famous for the Mom-butt, I know you know what I mean.
~Played volleyball on the beach a bunch of times, probably like 4. Also played softball twice. Went hiking and climbed sand dunes numerous times, my man-legs are making an appearance once again.
~Been thinking a lot about volunteering for a local animal rescue organization of some sort. I think it would be a foot in the door for something that actually pays, and since animals is the ONLY thing that interestes me career-wise, I'm trying to pursue that. My goal is to one day be like one of those animal rescue people on Animal Cops, or to have my own small rescue.
~That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure I did much more, like watch movies and lay on the sofa, but you get the idea.
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