I may be a touch tanorexic. I'm not sure though, because by definition, a tanorexic can't tell if they're tan. So they keep getting darker and darker until they resemble a piece of turkey jerky left out in the sun.
But anyway, it does make you look thinner. Like a good friend once said: "It's like wearing black when you're naked."
Plus living at the beach is the only way to go. Even if I slather on the 70+ I'll still be sort of dark. So, I'll stick with the 15.
I've also noticed that 2 girls bumping a volleyball back and forth on the beach will attract 90% more men than usual. They must feel more comfortable coming up and hitting on us when we play volleyball or frisbee, as opposed to when we are just laying there lounging. I guess it's the approachable factor.
Too bad that are all DE-nied. Silly boys.
I went with another friend of mine to the pool in her ... um... housing community? Subdivision? I don't know what it's called, but it's basically a public pool but only for the people that live there. Anyway, this woman my friend knows starts telling us that she got dumped because she told her new boyfriend that she loved him. After a month. Before they had sex. This chick is like 35 years old, you'd think she'd know better than that.
Why is it that I'm so unbelievably smart and have the male species figured out down to a science, but still can't find a guy I actually want to like, spend my time with? I need to use my knowledge as POWER.
OK whatever.
Moving on.
I just went outside to have a cigarette (I'm slowly quitting, really.) and I came back in, touched my head, and realized my hair was pretty much wet. OK, more like damp, but still. It's that humid out. And my hair sucks it up like crazy. This is the only sad part about summer.
Tomorrow I'll finish writing my Ghost Story, I never finished it. I'm pretty sure no one reads this thing on a regular basis anyway. But I still need to finish it.
It's my own fault I guess. I don't really comment on other people's blogs, even though I read tons of them. I don't immerse myself into blogging land, like some people do. Oh well, I just like to type things out sometimes. I realize I don't put much effort into this thing, and I'm OK with that.
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