latest addictions:
rock band. for three nights in a row i hung out with teenagers and played for hours, while stoned. it felt like i had warped back in time a decade. ten years ago it was foosball in my friend's basement. part of me feels like a loser, but part of me wants to tell that other part to shut the fuck up because i'm having actual fun, for the first time in a long time. forgetting my problems much? oh yeah.
it's always sunny in philadelphia. once again, how have not watched this show before? the last time i asked myself this question, it was referring to six feet under and i felt truly cheated that i had lived years without knowing this television glory.
karaoke at a local gay bar. i really don't know what else i can say about this except it was fun x 10. and i will return.
reduction appetite suppressant. i'm still taking these a month later, and they are still working and not making me sweaty, crazy, or unable to sit down without jiggling my foot and tapping my fingers (aka too hyper). i've lost 10 lbs. i highly recommend them if you can't control your cravings and eat a ton of junk, like i usually do. sidenote- these pills become null and void if you smoke a jay. just sayin.
not using capital letters, apparently.
i read postsecret every week, and usually it's just something cool to look at when i'm bored. and then sometimes one will hit home and make my breath catch in my throat a little bit, and this was one of them. so, so true.
that postcard really applies to me right now. :(
i'm going to a gay bar tonight and i may partake in some karaoke; i will think of you if i do!
Going to a gay bar and doing some karaoke sounds delightful right now.
whoa comments! i'm excited!
gay karaoke is supa-fun, and next time i will take pics since it seems to be a much loved blog topic. (hey, i consider 2 comments much loved)
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