
I tend to forget how much summer at this hotel stresses me out. Even though this is the seventh summer I've worked here. I still can't quite grasp why so many people flock to the lakeshore and fill up hotels like it's their job. How do they have so much money to spend? We're charging like $200 a night, and we're sold out. Crazies.

I'm good at my job though. I might even take a little pride in it. People might think "ohhh front desk at a hotel? cake." But it's not even close to cake. Unless it's a messy, busy, chaotic cake. Then maybe. And dealing with the public has it's moments, as anyone who works with the public knows.
I've come to the scientific conclusion that exactly 50% of people are insane, and the rest just hide it well.
Last night, I was checking a family in and the mom was holding a half asleep 5-6 year old boy. Out of nowhere, he blew chunks all over the front desk, the carpet, and his mom's face. Of course, I had to take part in the clean up since it was so late at night and no one else was here. I almost puked too.
Man, life is good.
That story doesn't even compare to other crap I've had to deal with. They're lucky they pay me well.

The pictures of my cats have nothing to do with this post. They're just cute. And caught spooning! Totally in love, those 2.

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