
Wow, you'd think I would learn my lesson with blind dates, but noooo I just keep on falling for that crap.
So, I know this guy, an older guy, that is cool as hell and if I were 20 years older it would be SO on. And we talk sometimes b/c he stays at the hotel often, and I told him to set me up with a hot guy.
I was joking for the most part, but when he told me that he found me one, I was like... Oh fuck it. I'm in.
I didn't have to be to work til 10 tonight, so I told him I'd meet him at 7:00 and just have a drink, keep it casual, whatever.
By casual I did NOT mean to show up in dirty jeans, a frayed t-shirt, smelling like sweat and Marlboro Reds. Not what I meant at all, but that's how this guy showed up.
I mean, I showered! And wore LIP GLOSS. In other words, I put forth a little effort even though it was just a last minute, fun little thing.
So yeah, I lost interest about 3.5 seconds after I was introduced, peaced out early, and went to Target until work time.
I give up.


Christa said...

my best friend and i used to call this "a waste of shampoo." like, "i did my hair for this ...?" keep truckin' lady. things get better.

Maddie said...

I don't usually wear perfume on blind dates, nor do I make my hair overly cute.

I'm off of dating right now but I'm considering wearing sweats and not washing my hair when I return to dating. You know, to see if they're really into me, or my clean and shiny hair.

Blaire said...

christa- it was a total waste of shampoo. and water for the shower. i'm trying to help the environment damnit.

pants- you're "off dating"? that's awesome and i'm seriously considering it.