
Well, I've been sick with THE PLAGUE I'm pretty sure. It won't go away and I'm constantly trying to keep the fever down to an acceptable level. Watching an all day marathon of House didn't help much. Paranoid that I have the bird flu or meningitis or possibly cancer. It's always cancer.
So yeah, right now I'm sick and I'm at work and it's not exactly my ideal day.
Oh well, I'm alive and breathing and just something to make me appreciate my healthy days? Maybe?
I have no appetite. That's a bonus.
One of my favorite Gregory House lines: "What up with that?"
Just the way he delivered that shit made me smile and trust me that was not an easy feat at that moment in time.
I was on the phone with my friend which doesn't happen often because I hate the phone, but anyway we decided I have mental and emotional issues when it comes to dating men because I always want a challenge, I always want the chase. Know what I mean? Nice, stable guys bore the crap outta me. Just being honest.
It's all I've ever known. The chase.
So I need to work on that.
Good news: I found a pair of jeans that fit into boots and make my ass look great, but I will not call them "skinny jeans" even though they are. I found them at Target and I've already worn them like 13 times, even when I just went to the gas station. Fun times.
Bad news: I shoved something called a nuvi-ring up my vajay and I have to keep it there for 3 weeks, but right now is when I would normally start my period, so I've got The Cramps but no period. That's like all the work with no pay-off. Or something.
Good news: nuvi-ring up the vajay = no babies out the vajay.
Side note: Did you know I used the word vajay-jay wayyyyy before Oprah? I'm not even kidding. So I shortened it to vajay.
That's super interesting.

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